To advance our vision of strengthening vocational education and training (VET) and encouraging more young people to pursue and successfully complete their VET, we are establishing a Nordic Youth Sounding Board. The board represents youth voices from across the Nordic countries. They will help qualify the work in the project and ensure that youth perspectives are present across the project’s efforts. 

Our motivation for establishing a youth board stems from a belief in the expertise of young people regarding their own lives and the conviction that they are the most authentic representatives of themselves and their peers. After all, they are the ones who make the decisions about their own education and how they want to shape the society of tomorrow.

Members of the Nordic Youth Sounding Board will be an active part of the project. They will help us answer questions such as “how can VET-schools do more to support student well-being?” and “do you experience VET as inclusive of both men and women?”. They will also take part in The Nordic Youth Relays held in their respective countries, where they will serve as co-moderators, providing valuable support to event organizers and adult moderators in hosting the event.  

Finally, they will play a pivotal role in promoting the project as ambassadors of youth engagement and empowerment.

Mitt navn er Kawsica Rashasingham, og jeg er en 21 år gammel fagperson med et fagbrev som betongfagarbeider og svennebrev som tømrer. For å utvide mine ferdigheter og kunnskaper innenfor byggebransjen, har jeg valgt å studere BIM ved Fagskolen Oslo.

My name is Kawsica Rashasingham, and I am a 21-year-old professional with a certificate in concrete work and a journeyman’s certificate in carpentry. To expand my skills and knowledge within the construction industry, I have chosen to study BIM at the Oslo Technical College.

Halló, nafnið mitt er Eva og ég er 17 ára gamall (fæddur 2006). Með tilliti til menntunar, er ég að læra rörmun að Tækniskólanum. Þetta vetur hef ég verið að æfa mig fyrir komandi motocross-tímabil sem ég mun keppa í íslensku meistaramótinu.

Hi, my name is Eva and i’m 17 years old (born 2006). Regarding education, i’m studying plumbing at Tækniskólinn. This winter i’ve been training for the upcoming motocross season which i’ll be competing in the Icelandic Nationals.

Hæ. Ég heiti Gabríel Steingrímsson og ég er frá Íslandi. Ég er 17 ára nemandi í Borgarholtsskóla. Ég er að læra á pípulagnir, ég er búin með þrjár annir og er á fjórðu. Ég er að vinna hjá pabba mínum og fyrirtækjinu hans S.Á Lagnir, þar sem ég er búin að vera að vinna seinustu 4 ár. áhugamál mín eru að vera með kærustu minni, horfa á myndir/þætti, sofa og að vinna. Ég ætla að vinna sem pípari í framtíðinni og flytja út eins snemma og ég get.

Hi. My name is Gabríel Steingrímsson and I am from Iceland. I am a 17-year-old student at Borgarholtsskóli. I am studying plumbing; I have completed three levels and am on the fourth. I work with my dad and his company S.Á Lagnir, where I have been working for the last 4 years. My hobbies include spending time with my girlfriend, watching movies/shows, sleeping, and working. I plan to work as a plumber in the future and move out as soon as I can.

Jeg hedder Casper og er 20 år gammel, kommer oprindeligt nede fra Sønderjylland, men bor nu i Randers. Jeg er I gang med en erhvervsuddannelse som Lageroperatør med speciale I logistik, og så går jeg i skole på Tradium. Jeg synes at noget af det vigtigste i en ungdomsuddannelse er, at man har et godt forhold til sine lærere, at man har et godt fællesskab, at man ikke mistrives i klassen, og at man kan samarbejde med andre i klassen om opgaver. 

My name is Casper, and I am 20 years old, originally from Southern Jutland, but now live in Randers. I am in a vocational education and training as a warehouse operator with a specialization in logistics, on the school Tradium. I think that one of the most important things in youth education is that you have a good relationship with your teachers, that you have a good community at school, that you don’t get bored in class, and that you can collaborate with others in the class on assignments. 

Eliisa Juntunen, 21v. Opiskelen Järvenpäässä Keudassa. Amiksessa me nuoret opimme tärkeitä elämäntaitoja. Meistä kasvatetaan aikuisia. Koulutuksen laatu on ensisijaisen tärkeää. Mitä parempi koulutus, sitä parempia ammattilaisia meistä tulee. Koulun täytyy olla turvallinen tila oppia ja kasvaa.

Eliisa Juntunen, 21 years old. I study in Järvenpää in Keuda. At vocational education and training, we young people learn important life skills. We are being raised as adults. The quality of education is of primary importance. The better the education, the better professionals we become. School must be a safe place to learn and grow.

Mitt namn är Oscar. Bor i mitten av Sverige. Ordförande för en organisation för ungdomar med funktionsnedsättningar. Älskar att göra världen bättre och dricka lite kaffe!

My name is Oscar Living in the middle of Sweden. president of Youhth disability organization. Im love to make the world better and drink some coffe!

Jeg heter Emil Christian Mathiesen og jeg er 21 år gammel.
Jeg studerer for øyeblikket sceneteknikkproduksjon ved Fagskolen i Oslo.

My name is Emil Christian Mathiesen and I’m 21 years old.
I’m currently studying stagetechnique production  at Fagskolen In Oslo

Nimeni on Arabell. Olen 17 vuotias ja asun suomessa. Olen toisen vuoden media alan opiskelija omniassa. Suoritan myös kaksoistutkintoa. Olen aika aktiivinen koulun opiskellijatoiminassa, olen monissa projekteissa/tapahtumissa mukana. Vapaa ajalla tykkään viettää aikaa kavereitten kanssa, lukea kirjoja, kirjoittaa runoja paljon muuta. Halusin osallistua nordic youth relay projektissa koska se kuulostaa tosi kiinnostavalta mulle ja halusin liittyä mukaan, tietää lisää ja olla osana jotain tärkeää.

My name is Arabell. I’m a 17 year old who lives in Finland. Im a second year student at omnia, studying media. Im quite active in my school, i go to all kinds of places and participate in different projects/events. In my free time i like to spend time with friends, read books, do research on fascinating arachnids and much more.
I wanted to participate in the nordic youth relay project because it sounds very interesting to me and wanted to join in, learn even more and be apart of something important.